Jun 22, 2009

Mad Scientist Party

The "Mad Scientist" group.
My little Lab Rat... Eruption in a Bottle
We made our own mad scientist labs with stickers!

We enjoyed a "Fantastic Flask" cake and chips.

The Girl Scouts experienced a lot of fun today! The girls all did the salt/pepper magic spoon experiement. We made a ghoulish concoction with glue, water borax and green food coloring. We also did a color collision with milk, food coloring and dishwashing soap! I believe they loved when we made snow with powder flakes and water. The girls had a snow fight in June in 100 degree weather....how funny!

The girls also made test tube sand art necklaces, which they were so serious with their measuring the sand.

Thanks to all the moms who were "Lab Assistants" today...I couldn't have done it without you!

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