Feb 28, 2010

Thinking Day

Tejas Service Unit Leaders

Mrs Teresa and girls in Germany
Mrs Remona and I serve up some drinks straight from Germany

Girls doing crafts from around the world.

Don't forget your passport or you can not enter into the country...
Mrs. Kim and some of the girls looking at our Germany booth.
Mrs. Jessica told us about Thinking Day and what it means.....
Daisy Troop #40583 chose Germany as their country to feature.
The Tejas Service unit enjoyed the 2010 World Thinking Day on Feb. 22nd at DUMC.
The girls traveled from China to Germany to Mexico to Russia to Kenya to England and ended up in Ireland. At a previous meeting our girls made cereal box suitcases for their travels. At the event one cadette girl scout said she enjoyed all her travels and only lost her luggage once in route to another country...lol

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