Nov 27, 2009

Can Food Drive

Daisy Scouts
Jaden couldn't find a place to work so she got under the table to work on the floor. Packing up the marked cans.
assembly line..

Tejas Girl Scouts collected 2,030 cans and delivered to the local food bank in time for the holidays. Thanks to everyone who donated food and money for this cause. The girls had a blast sorting all the food and marking through the bar codes.

Nov 14, 2009

Clark's Bakery at Stone Cave

The Clark's buy 50lb bags of grain (wheat) and they grind it into flour for their breads.Putting grain in the grinder....Showing the girls the flour.
Mr. Clark made each girl a small loaf of bread and also let them put in a bag, label it and take it home.
Taking bread out of oven and placing on cooling racks.
Fruit Cakes....yum!
Heike showing us how the bread roller works.
Mr. Clark showing the girls how the bread slicer works.

Finished product!
Extacly the right weight...
Rolling out the dough and showing the girls that he cuts off 1.40 lbs of dough and weighs it on scales before placing in a pan to bake.
Mrs. June was passing out the hand santizer since there were too many to try to wash hands in the kitchen.
The girls in the store waiting to go in the bakery. Everyone had to put on hairnets before going into the bakery. Yes, I did too! Averie told me I looked like a lunch

Bread lined up to be sliced.

We all had a wonderful time and learned a lot about healthy eating. The girls all loved getting to bag and label their own bread. Now you can enjoy delicious 100% whole grain bread from a local bakery! Made from freshly ground Montana Wheat berries, their breads are made without white flour, additives, preservatives, stabilizers, vinegar, whey, eggs, or other health affecting products! The Bakery not only carries bread but granola, desserts and other miscellaneous items. Even though the area was small, they gave our troop the best demonstation yet! You really should try some of their banana bread...Bon Appetit!

Nov 8, 2009

Juilette Gordon Lowe Birthday Party

Daisy Troop #40583
Magic Show with Jeremy Burgin!
All smiles!

Candle Ceremony...

Presents (craft supplies) the girls donated to the troop.

Making swaps...

Beautiful cake...thanks June and Aundria Dishman!

Coke Ovens Park

One of the ovens near the amphitheater.
A hiking we will go....
Listening to some World War II history and Trail of Tears history.
Stand back...I'm going to blow this place up!
Local miners helmets and lights.
Coal tunnel...rats are their friends. If rats live there, then you know you can breathe!
All miners carried their lunch.
Different fossils found in our region.
Explaining that the park use to be a huge dump site before volunteers cleaned tons of trash and dead animals and opened the park in 1987.
Daisy Troop #40583 and Brownie Troop #40404 and tag-a-longs!

Clothes Pin Dolls

Clothes Pin Dolls...Hannah Barger and Carson Honeycutt volunteered to come and hold our regular troop meeting. They planned the craft and provided snack. The girls were working on a Junior badge.
Hannah Barger brought fruit kabobs for snack...yum!
#40583 Daisy and #40404 Brownie Troop Group picture

While some girls where making their clothes pin dolls with Hannah and Carson, some of Mrs Remona's Junior troop were reading to small groups of girls....