Aug 19, 2009

Fredonia Train Trip 8/1/09

Hello Mrs Remona :) Several Daisies posing with one of the engines.

All train going one way and one train going another....everyone got to ride!
Engineers getting ready to roll...
Addressing safety issues and rules.
This is where the train cars sleep... Everyone loved the tunnel except the bat that lived there...I don't think he enjoyed all the girls screaming!
Train crew resting before lunch and another trip.
Even the older girls enjoyed the trains.

Daisy Scouts: Katie, Jaden, Gracie B., Sidney J., Emily, Victoria,
Reagan, Sarah, Allie, Kristen, Alex and Natalie all enjoyed the train trip!!
Thanks to the Chattanooga Society of Model Engineers, Inc for taking us on the train ride adventure. Everyone brought a dish for a picnic lunch and we all had a wonderful meal together and then another train ride. Of course, the train I was on derailed about 4 times...the stories I can tell! Ask me about the snake... lol
Be sure to check out their website for more pics from the event. Go to club events to see their pictures of 3 Girl Scouts troops 8/1/09.

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