Dec 16, 2009

Clogging Christmas

Making Christmas placemats. Saying the Girl Scout Promise
Yum...Pizza!Daisy Troop #40583 with Brownie Troop #40404
Now let's learn how to style the step. Get up on the balls of your feet. Step with your left foot, then put your right foot back just a little and rock your weight back onto it, then step on your left foot again.
BFF's all in Mrs. Shannon Housley's 1st grade class
Mrs. Christy and her daughter Katelyn
Thanks to Mrs Christina Layne for coming and showing the girls basic clogging steps and then performing for them. She said she had been clogging for about 20 years and still loved it! They loved they way her clogging shoes sounded on the gym floor...

Clogging, or clog dancing, is a lively dance with roots in Irish jig, English country dances, Scottish dances, African steps and rhythms and possibly even a bit of Cherokee Indian. It is a percussive dance, meaning the dancers beat out rhythms with their feet. Settlers brought their own dances and music to the Southern Appalachian Mountain area, where they were relatively isolated from other parts of the country. These steps and styles mixed together into what we now call clogging.

Mrs Tricia saved the day by bringing her camera...I forgot mine! oops

Dunlap Christmas Parade

12/12/09 Tejas' Service Unit walks through the parade toward hot choc. and cookies at Harris Park!
Look how pretty Madison's hair looks...
Cheese.....Reagan was dressed just right for the cold!
When do I get to throw out my candy?
Thanks Jessica Shinn for the pictures...I heard that everyone had a wonderful time even though it was cold!

Christmas Around the World - Lock In

12/4/09 My girls ready for sleep over....Santa made a suprise visit...Santa left letters and candy canes for all the girls.Mrs Remona told the girls that Santa was driving by and the girls rushed out to see him.
We have got to go bed!Finally...........and right at my feet!Look what we awoke to! First snow of the year...that one is for Jaden! Girls reading their letters from Santa.
sisterly love
Hard at work crafting.

Sierra and Granny playing checkers.
Sidney did a great job with her crafts.
Alexus loved the play dough.
Cheater...yes Katie will cheat at checkers if you don't watch her.

Girls making their soldiers around midnight.
This was our first lock-in and we had a blast. I honestly tried to put them to bed around 10pm but they kept getting up and starting the cycle all over again...snacking, crafting, games, bed, etc!
The older girls never laid down, but we finally made it to bed at 12:30 and by 1am they were all asleep lined up at my feet. They were so precious...we will do it again for those of you who missed it or were not brave enough to stay.